The only really fun Halloween thing we have done was go pick out our pumpkins. It was fun. We went to a pumpkin patch and attached to it was a apple orchard. So we picked some apples too. They had the best Apple Cider ever too. I bought this huge thing of it and already drank it all. I don't think Garrett even had one class. sad thing is we haven't even craved them yet. I haven't even thought about Halloween other then today. I have been online seeing what fun thing we should do. So far I have come up with nothing. Maybe we will just rent movies and eat looks of fun things. I don't know. If anyone has any ideas on what to do in Utah let me know.
Another eventful thing happened on Tuesday. We received our first snow. Yeah that's right there was snow on the ground. It was so cold I thought I was going to die from frost bite. Now the highs have been in the 40's. Winter is here...