This past weekend Garrett and I went up and visited Dennis, Jenna, and Davis. It was so much fun. San Francisco is a beautiful city. We loved the city so much. We were the typical tourists. We started at Fisherman’s Wharf and ate some clam chowder. We saw the famous BUSH MAN, Ghirardelli Square, and Union Square. We also rode on a Trolley all around town. Thank you Jenna & Dennis for such a fun time, We look forward to you guys visiting us in January!!
December 13, 2007
December 01, 2007
American Gladiators
Does Anyone Remember This Show?

Well apparently they are trying to bring this show back on the air. Yes, yes I know the questions you have are if ICE, VIPER, or BLADE are coming back too? Nope, they have new gladiators like SIREN, WOLF, and FURY.
Tonight we went to a shooting of this show. I thought it would be completely dumb and so staged like every other show out there, but I had the best time. This show is definitely not staged. We watched the ring challenge with Girls. Girls are so mean. They were slapping, and kicking each other in the face. The Gladiator would get so mad if they didn't win. It was so funny to watch. What this show does, for example, is they film four rounds of the ring challenge so they will have that challenge for four different episodes. Then they take down the set and make a new one for a new challenge, and then film four more challengers. I learned that in the film industry there is a lot of time wasted, and just sitting around. Each take took a good 5 minutes, but all the time in between took like 20 minutes.
Also the host was the one and only: Hulk Hogan

He was awesome to watch. He messed up on every take he did. Overall, it was a very fun and interesting night. Thanks Carrie for inviting us. Look in the audience of this show when it airs, Garrett and I may be in there cheering!

Well apparently they are trying to bring this show back on the air. Yes, yes I know the questions you have are if ICE, VIPER, or BLADE are coming back too? Nope, they have new gladiators like SIREN, WOLF, and FURY.
Tonight we went to a shooting of this show. I thought it would be completely dumb and so staged like every other show out there, but I had the best time. This show is definitely not staged. We watched the ring challenge with Girls. Girls are so mean. They were slapping, and kicking each other in the face. The Gladiator would get so mad if they didn't win. It was so funny to watch. What this show does, for example, is they film four rounds of the ring challenge so they will have that challenge for four different episodes. Then they take down the set and make a new one for a new challenge, and then film four more challengers. I learned that in the film industry there is a lot of time wasted, and just sitting around. Each take took a good 5 minutes, but all the time in between took like 20 minutes.
Also the host was the one and only: Hulk Hogan

He was awesome to watch. He messed up on every take he did. Overall, it was a very fun and interesting night. Thanks Carrie for inviting us. Look in the audience of this show when it airs, Garrett and I may be in there cheering!
November 25, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
Well another Thanksgiving has past by. This year was so fun. All the siblings came home to Arizona to celebrate. For Garrett & I, our Thanksgiving adventures started with a nice extended drive through LA. It took us 9 hours to make a 6 1/2 hour drive. Kill me now. Then on Thanksgiving day a bunch of us did the THANKSGIVING TURKEY TROT. After a long run we then ate two Thanksgiving dinners. It was such a fun weekend of seeing all our family and being able to spend time with one another. The highlight for the guys was the playing XBOX 360, band (I don't know the proper name for this game). My mom got this game for us. There were drums, a guitar, and a microphone to sing with. It was really fun. The boys really got in the 80's rock mode by rolling up their pants, and taking their shirts off.
Well, on Friday all the girls went shopping, of course. Then that night Garrett flew to San Jose to be at Tom Swapp's wedding. Congrats Tom and Ashley. Overall this Thanksgiving was very memorable. It is such a nice time of year to sit back and really think about what were thankful for. I realized how truly grateful I am for Garrett for all the love he has for me. I really don't know what or where I would be without him. I love my family and am so grateful that we all were able to be together.
November 07, 2007
Wow 6 months...
Well this Monday, which happened to be on my moms birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM, was our 6 month anniversary! I can't believe how fast that went by. I remember being at Carli's wedding and Rachel was telling me that it was around their 6 months. I remember thinking, wow that seems so far away for us. I can't believe you have been married for that long already.
Garrett, being the amazing husband he is surprised me with Jimmy Eat World tickets. We went a couple of weeks ago to celebrate. He knew I would start trying to ruin any surprise he had if it were closer to our anniversary. He first had my boss send me home from work early. I thought I was in trouble or something. Then when I got home Garrett told me to get dressed up and we were out the door. He took me out to eat at the Cheese Cake Factory, and then headed over to the concert. The concert was awesome. It was kinda weird not to have a Mesa reunion though. Usually those concerts are made up of all Mountain View Toros! To finish off our Anniversary, on Monday Garrett came home with a bouquet of flowers, with 6 roses in it. I love Garrett so much. Being married has taught me a lot about myself. I see now how truly blessed mine and Garrett's life is being able to be sealed forever. I love you
The new Jimmy CD is good. My favorites are #3 & 9.
Oh within this slide show of pics I put our Halloween ones in. Enjoy!!
Garrett, being the amazing husband he is surprised me with Jimmy Eat World tickets. We went a couple of weeks ago to celebrate. He knew I would start trying to ruin any surprise he had if it were closer to our anniversary. He first had my boss send me home from work early. I thought I was in trouble or something. Then when I got home Garrett told me to get dressed up and we were out the door. He took me out to eat at the Cheese Cake Factory, and then headed over to the concert. The concert was awesome. It was kinda weird not to have a Mesa reunion though. Usually those concerts are made up of all Mountain View Toros! To finish off our Anniversary, on Monday Garrett came home with a bouquet of flowers, with 6 roses in it. I love Garrett so much. Being married has taught me a lot about myself. I see now how truly blessed mine and Garrett's life is being able to be sealed forever. I love you
The new Jimmy CD is good. My favorites are #3 & 9.
Oh within this slide show of pics I put our Halloween ones in. Enjoy!!
November 02, 2007
Turkey Trot Anyone?

Does anyone want to do the turkey trot with me this Thanksgiving? I really want to do it and I have talked to a couple people who are doing it. I'm just putting this out because its November 2nd and wanted to give everyone enough time to prepare. The run is a 10k which is about 6 miles or so. The race is on November 22, Thanksgiving morning at 7:00 am. The website is below so you can register early if you are interested. I think it will be so fun, and we get t-shirts. Who doesn't like getting new t-shirts? We have 20 days to get ready.
Happy Halloween
Wow, I can't believe that Halloween just passed by. It feels like I was just in Utah, dressing up as Salt and Pepper with Garrett last year. This Halloween was a lot of fun. It was kinda weird not to see snow but I was definitely ok with that. This year we are trying to set up traditions. We started by carving pumpkins together. That was a lot of fun. I carved Franken Stein and Garrett carved a Pirate. We supported our ward at the annual trunk or treat shin dig. Finished it off on Halloween, by wanting to pass out candy, but we didn't have a single trick or treater, and watching scary movies. This is such a fun time of year. I did see one tree with yellow leaves; I guess fall here is a little different than Utah. I hope everyone had a fun Halloween. Sorry I don't have any pics, I left my camera at home. I am out visiting my mom in Az for the weekend. I ll post some when I get home.
October 14, 2007
Happy Birthday Garrett
Garrett turned 26 on October 4th. It was so fun celebrating with him. This is the second birthday for him that we have celebrated together. It all started by, waking him up in the morning to breakfast in bed that I made him and a decorated house. That night his mom had all the family over and cooked him his favortie dinner, Tri Tip. Then on Saturday we went out with some friends to celebrate both our husband's birthdays. We went to the sweetest restaurant. They would give us our meat and vegatables raw, and then we would cook it on the grill in the middle of our table. We had a lot of fun. I love you Garrett and Happy Birthday!!!
October 05, 2007
Weekend In LA
Last weekend was one of our funniest weekends yet. Jenna and Dennis surprised us and decided to drive down here and spend the weekend with us. It is so fun to live in a place where there are so many things to see and do. It gives us an excuse to go down to LA and see the sights and be true tourists. I don’t have all the fun pictures we took but these were taken before my camera ran out of batteries. So we really were true tourists, disposable cameras and all. We started on Hollywood Blvd, then ventured over to Beverly Hills, down to LA and then finished in Santa Monica. We all were so tired by the time we got home. Baby Davis was such a good baby. He didn’t even cry through all our traveling. I hope my first baby (which won’t be for awhile) is as good as he is. The boys also got a round of golf in and me and my sis got a little bit of shopping in. It was so fun having them and we can’t wait to come up to San Francisco in a couple weeks. We love you guys!!!
September 30, 2007
What have we been up to?
I know, I know. I have not updated this in a very long time. So here it goes. The past two months have been so busy. We have been up to so many different things.
To begin...
1.I got a different job. I left Princess Cruises and went back to my comfort zone, the gym.
2.Garrett and I have been enjoying the perks of the gym, and have a new hobby of indoor cycling. This is so hard. It kicks our butts every week.
3.We have been going to concerts.We love going into LA and going to random concerts. We just went to the Bravery concert with his sister Carrie and her husband Thann. Another concert we went to was the After Midnight Project. They were so good. I recommend everyone to look them up on YouTube. The drummer is in our ward, and they are really good.
4. Girls night out!! Some girls in my ward went down to Universal City walk. We went to a movie and rode a mechanical bull. I really have never done that before. It was a blast!
5. The most important event happened last weekend. All the family got together and celebrated Davis' baby blessing in Arizona. It was so much fun. It is always so fun getting together even if it was a short trip. (Thank you Kimber! I took these pics off your blog!)

To begin...
1.I got a different job. I left Princess Cruises and went back to my comfort zone, the gym.
2.Garrett and I have been enjoying the perks of the gym, and have a new hobby of indoor cycling. This is so hard. It kicks our butts every week.
3.We have been going to concerts.We love going into LA and going to random concerts. We just went to the Bravery concert with his sister Carrie and her husband Thann. Another concert we went to was the After Midnight Project. They were so good. I recommend everyone to look them up on YouTube. The drummer is in our ward, and they are really good.
4. Girls night out!! Some girls in my ward went down to Universal City walk. We went to a movie and rode a mechanical bull. I really have never done that before. It was a blast!
5. The most important event happened last weekend. All the family got together and celebrated Davis' baby blessing in Arizona. It was so much fun. It is always so fun getting together even if it was a short trip. (Thank you Kimber! I took these pics off your blog!)

August 11, 2007
Baby Weekend
Well this weekend I went out to visit Dennis, Jenna, and the little baby Davis. My mom and I had so much fun being out in Menlo Park and both want to live here now. We played with Davis, shopped, and looked at all the beautiful homes in this area. I really haven't seen houses and yards like these out here. It was such a fun weekend to be able to be with my mom and sister.

Isn't he so Cute!!!

My mom and Me

My sister looks so beautiful after having a baby a week ago!

Isn't he so Cute!!!

My mom and Me

My sister looks so beautiful after having a baby a week ago!
Family Reunions

Well, summer is the time for family reunions. This summer has been filled of traveling to either
July 31, 2007
I Got Tagged
I just got tagged in my e mail. I usually never participate in these things but I laughed so hard at some of my friends who had already done this.
1. I always sleep on my back with my arms crossed hugging my stomach. I ll wake up in that same position.
2. I am a clean freak. I will put things away before Garrett is even done using them. I think it's to make up for how messy I was in High School.
3. I hate when people eat ice cream with a fork. It really gives my goose bumps.
4. I pluck my eyebrows everyday.
5. I am scared to ask for A-1 sauce at a restaurant
Three jobs I have had in my life:
1. Kiddie Kandids (sucked so bad! Recommended for all future Moms between the months of Oct-Jan)
2. A Tanning Salon (got fired after a week oopps, left with a good tan though)
3. A Reception Hall in Provo
Three places that I have lived:
1. Valencia, California
2. Seville, Spain
3. Provo, Utah
Three TV shows I like to watch:
1. So you think you can Dance
2. Discovery Channel (Shark Week)
3. BET top ten countdown
Three places I have vacationed:
1. Newport Beach, California
2. Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
3. Different Areas of Spain
Three of my favorite foods:
1. King Crab, with the butter dipping sauce
2. Nice Juicy Steak A-1
3. Ice Cream- (Golden Spoon is my current obsession, I work right next door to one)
Three places where I would rather be right now:
1. Any Beach
2. At home with my Husband
3. Visiting family
Three things I love to do when I have a day off:
1. Sleep In
2. Deep Clean
3. Get a good work out in
1. I always sleep on my back with my arms crossed hugging my stomach. I ll wake up in that same position.
2. I am a clean freak. I will put things away before Garrett is even done using them. I think it's to make up for how messy I was in High School.
3. I hate when people eat ice cream with a fork. It really gives my goose bumps.
4. I pluck my eyebrows everyday.
5. I am scared to ask for A-1 sauce at a restaurant
Three jobs I have had in my life:
1. Kiddie Kandids (sucked so bad! Recommended for all future Moms between the months of Oct-Jan)
2. A Tanning Salon (got fired after a week oopps, left with a good tan though)
3. A Reception Hall in Provo
Three places that I have lived:
1. Valencia, California
2. Seville, Spain
3. Provo, Utah
Three TV shows I like to watch:
1. So you think you can Dance
2. Discovery Channel (Shark Week)
3. BET top ten countdown
Three places I have vacationed:
1. Newport Beach, California
2. Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
3. Different Areas of Spain
Three of my favorite foods:
1. King Crab, with the butter dipping sauce
2. Nice Juicy Steak A-1
3. Ice Cream- (Golden Spoon is my current obsession, I work right next door to one)
Three places where I would rather be right now:
1. Any Beach
2. At home with my Husband
3. Visiting family
Three things I love to do when I have a day off:
1. Sleep In
2. Deep Clean
3. Get a good work out in
July 19, 2007
July 05, 2007
Happy Fourth Of July
After a day of swimming we went to Stevenson Ranch park and watched the fire works. It was such a fun and tiring day!!

On the fourth we went to Grandpa Richards' house to have a BBQ and swim with all the family. Here are some of our best moments.

What a fun fourth we had! It all started with some of Garrett's good friends coming into town and staying with us. Wes, Aulani and little baby Landon. We had fun visiting with them but came to the conclusion that we enjoyed not having a kid for right now! Garrett loved this babdy though, the baby had bright red hair so he felt a special bond with him.

On the fourth we went to Grandpa Richards' house to have a BBQ and swim with all the family. Here are some of our best moments.
What a fun fourth we had! It all started with some of Garrett's good friends coming into town and staying with us. Wes, Aulani and little baby Landon. We had fun visiting with them but came to the conclusion that we enjoyed not having a kid for right now! Garrett loved this babdy though, the baby had bright red hair so he felt a special bond with him.
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