My birthday day was very fun. My boss Denise and I went out to sushi, and got our toes done. It was a very fun day. Valentines day was fun as well. My best Valentines ever! I manage a bakery called, Babe's Dessert Bar. Valentines is one of our busiest day. I have learned a lot working in this Bakery. I learned how to create stuffed strawberries, stuffed supcakes, and eat a lot of red velvets. Speaking of red velvets, some friends of ours John and Stacy, took out to eat at Doughboys for dinner. I was reading their menu and noticed Oprah voted Doughboys Red velvet cake, her personal favorite. So of course we all had to try it.

We have been very luck with getting sweet tickets to go to different events. Garrett's company always has people trying to bribe them to take their busy, so they give them tickets to anything. We have been to a couple of Laker games. Those are really fun. The girls their just have binoculars and find what stars were their. It was pretty sweet. We saw of course Jack Nicholson, then Freddy Price Junior (where has he been lately) And Denzel Washington. Another event we went to was a Hockey game. We went and watched the Kings play. That was probably one of the most entertaining sporting event I have ever been to. I love Hockey now.
Another exciting thing, Shalyane and Clayton came out and visited last weekend. It was so fun seeing them. We did the typical, go out to eat, eat some more, and then go look at all the stuff we shouldn't buy. We did meet Elvis though. That was pretty sweet!!
The last part of my summery is why I have now found the time to catch up on my blog. We have recently inherited a new puppy. Meaning no more sleeping in for me. My mom got one and she then decided she wanted to give it to us. Now we have a new puppy named DUKE. Garrett and I love Duke. I am determined to break the Randall curse of giving every dog away after a few weeks. We are in the process of potty training him, so if you have any methods PLEASE let me know. No, I am not baby hungry, everyone keeps asking us. I can see why having a puppy could be on a small similar scale of having a kid, but we aren't. The only difference is we can lock Duke in the bathroom for the day while we are at work!
Hope everything is going well with everyone else. Here are some pics. of Duke.

Happy late b-day!!! I am SO excited that you are coming!!! We are going to have SO much fun! I cannot wait!
a few other people have told me that you get weird cravings during pregnancy... but i seriously never thought it would be meat... i guess pretty much i am like your sister, until recently... it wierds me out!
i love your shirt in the top few pictures, you look so cute! oh, how fun to work in a bakery, that would be so interesting to learn everything... all the secrets... plus i would eat everything!!!
You are alive! It's nice to see some new blogs! How are you doing? Looks like you are having fun...live it up girl!
uuuummm i don't even know what the heck a red velvet taste like but i want one! sooo potting training... with our little chihuahua we were doing crate training that is what every one tells us is the best, but a client of mine said that she has a little maltipoo and she hung a bell from the door on a string low enough for the puppy to knock it. at first she would ring the bell whenever she let the puppy go outside and then eventually it learned to ring the bell whenever it wants out! you can hang one on the outside too. we tried it with fritz and it took him about 3 solid weeks to get it down and it's a dream! i was on the verge of finding a new family for him and now he never messes up in the house! good luck he's soooo cute!
Hey! Shay won't return my calls! Call me if you need to just come over and get waxed. I'm trying to set it up for next weekend. Aarrgg. it's frusterating!
Oh my goodness i LOVE your dog - he is so so cute! ANd I love your new blog design, it is so stinkin adorable! how did you do it??? you will have to teach me. and we REALLY need to get together! lets just plan something! I want to see you!!!
It sound like you have kept busy. I would love working at a bakery like that. Cali sounds like so much fun. You always have so much to do. Those red velvet cupcakes look so good. I have never had one. I am in love with your puppy. If you ever do give him up, JOn and I would be happy to take him. Cooper needs a brother we think. You are so lucky. We have just been busy with school schoo school. I am definately ready to be done. Anyway hope all is well.
Wow! sounds like you had so much fun! I'm jealous! haha I love your cute little puppy! If you need any sitters while your at work hit me up! Kaleb loves dogs!
OH finally an update! I am already missing you! Clayton wants to go back already so we prob wont go another 9 months without seeing you guys again. By the way I'll get those pics on my blog so you can have them. Especially of Elvis!!!
Welcome back to the blogging world! Looks like you guys are doing well. As for potty training, everyone in my ward recommended a book called "How to Potty Train Your dog in 7 days." They all swore by it and said it really works. We, however, were not that successful with the 7 days things. We're just now about 90% confident with Pixi's potty training. Stick with it. As horrible as it is, once they're trained it's so nice to have a dog. Keep on blogging girl!!
yea! i am so glad for the new update of you and garret, and of course now we cannot forget little DUKE. he is so cute. it sounds like you guys have been out and about doing all sorts of fun things! we miss you!
Oh we can't wait to meet Duke! He is so cute. Can't wait to spend the weekend with you and Garrett and the rest of the family. We love you.
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