Garrett and I get to start another adventure together. Garrett recently accepted a new job. He is the advertising director in a company called Lymabean. It is a social network that he is working for, and he helps create advertising and push the sales. You can check it out on if you are interested. He has never been more excited. We are truly blessed how things in our life just fall into place. With this job, everything seemed to work out perfectly. The office is out of Huntington beach. We are so excited to move down there. He officially started today. We will officially move down there within a month. We are just waiting for someone to want to rent out our apartment or we have to wait for our contract to run out. He will commute until them. We are so lucky and blessed to become part of such an amazing family lymabean has created. All their employees are so welcoming and very close. We are so excited to join the team.

That is great for your Family! Hunington Beach is great! I'll miss you though
Well, I'm excited for you guys, but I'm so sad you will be leaving our ward. Congrats on the new job though.
Yeah Kristin! It sounds like things are going how ya'll want. I'm happy for you and Garrett! I always wondered what lyma bean was...
sooo fun! i love HB. i gte my hair done there, so when you need a girl i know the best! you will be missed and i hope we can stay in touch too!
yyaaaaayyyyyy! I CANT WAIT! you are gonna LOVE IT down here! We're so excited to hang out w you guys!
that is so exciting! i am jealous of where you get to live - what an awesome experience! congratulations.
Congrats on the job. We'll miss you too.
I've never gotten on your page! It's gorgeous! I am so happy for you guys making this big move together! Although you will be missed for sure!
Of course we'll still see you guys...It's not like HB is that far away. And there's always meeting in the middle for lunch dates:) I'm pumped for you guys...I'd love to be closer to the beach!!! - G
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