I guess being married has changed that in me. :-) I will graduate in Fashion Merchandising next May.
A week ago was the Sundance Film Festivals. I am sad to say that I have never attended one in all my past Utah days, but this year I went up twice. Once with Garrett and the other time with friends. I didn't see anyone to famous but I did see. . .

Jesse from the Bachelorette. He is a lot cuter in person but really short. He was in Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory with some cute girl. Here are some pic from my Sundance experience. I went up with my long lost roomy Emily and her husband Ben and friends. We had so much fun trying to get into movies and walking all around Park City.

Then after that fun field day, I helped Liz Lyons celebrate her b-day at PF Changs. Kent had invited a lot of friends to be at PF Changs for Liz. I had fun with her. I can't believe we all are turning 24. Liz I can still remember birthdays when we were in 7th and 8th grade. Time goes by so fast.