I feel so bad that I haven't posted my Thanksgiving pictures yet. I have so much to be grateful for and feel so blessed this year.
We went down to California and spent it with Garrett's family. We also had Scott and McCall come up and spend it with us too. Garrett's mom was so happy to have more people coming to her Thanksgiving and invited them in with open arms.
I didn't take a ton a pictures but this is what I have come up with
Things That I am Grateful for:
1. I am so Thankful for family this year. I love my little family. For Garrett who always works above and beyond everyday so I can stay home with Wes. I couldn't of asked for a better husband, best friend and dad for Wesley.
2. For Wesley. I'm grateful for Wesley and for the joy that he is. Always full of smiles, and his happy personality. I can't even imagine our life without him.
3. Grateful for my siblings. I have really learned a lot about the importance and power of sibling relationships. I love my brothers and sisters so much and couldn't have gotten through his year without them.
5. Good Friends
4. The Gospel. The huge role it plays in my life and how truly happy it makes me feel.
December 15, 2010
November 22, 2010
I was down in AZ for a couple weeks this month. We had a lot of things to celebrate so we all made a trip out of it. Jenna flew from NY, McCall drove over to Cali, I flew from Utah and Jaime lives there. All the family was together, minus a couple husbands. We had so much fun being together and watching all our kids get to know each other and play. It was so fun being around so much family.
A highlight from all the pictures above was going to Schnepf Farms. We basically had the entire park to our selves. It was so fun. Also, Davis and Jackson playing with Barbies. Jenna kept correcting Davis from playing barbies to playing people. It was so funny. Also, we celebrated my moms birthday. We took her out to Cheesecake, and treated her to a massage.
Wesley loved his uncle Brad.
Of course the main event, Abbie's Baptism. She was beautiful! I can't believe she is eight. Then, the day Jenna and I left Jaime had their little girl, Penny. I was so bummed I missed it. can't wait to meet her!
(I of course didn't take a lot of pictures, so thank you Jenna and McCall. I stole most of these from you guys.)
I met up with Carli, Stuart and Morgan for lunch one day at Rosa's. Here are all our babies. So crazy, we all have known each other since Elementary School. Now we all have little babies. I'm sad because I saw so many of my friends this trip and didn't even take a pic. Maybe next time.
Wesley's first time swinging. I think he liked it...
He met his Great Grandma and Grandpa Randall for the first time. Sorry not the best pic. :(
I can't forget about this little girlie. Gwen turned 1 while in AZ. November 08, 2010
Cyber Monday
It is that time of year again - Cyber Monday. As you all know Garrett
has a Cyber Monday website.
I wanted to reach out and ask you if you have a blog or website to add
a banner that he has created for Cyber Monday?
I would really appreciate it. All you need to do is follow the below
link, then copy the code under the banner you want to put on your
website and paste it on your blog or website.
Cyber Monday
It is that time of year again - Cyber Monday. As you all know Garrett
has a Cyber Monday website.
I wanted to reach out and ask you if you have a blog or website to add
a banner that he has created for Cyber Monday?
I would really appreciate it. All you need to do is follow the below
link, then copy the code under the banner you want to put on your
website and paste it on your blog or website.

Cyber Monday
November 02, 2010
Halloween Weekend Wrap up
On Friday We went to the famous Zagg Halloween party. OK, so clearly we are the Spartan Cheerleaders from SNL right? (If you have read this last sentence and not understand what we are please go look it up) The reason I say that is a lot of people just thought we were random cheerleaders. I felt so old...
The best part is they had a costume contest, and guess who won? My little monster. He won that gigantic horse. I have no idea where to put it in my house but I was so proud.
The best part is they had a costume contest, and guess who won? My little monster. He won that gigantic horse. I have no idea where to put it in my house but I was so proud.
Then came Halloween Day. I have been dreading this day. I signed up for a 1/2 Marathon when I was ready to get back into shape after having Wes back in August. I have been training but didn't know if I really wanted to run it. Well, with some motivation from friends and family I did it. I can finally cross this goal off my list. Pretty sure I never want to do a Marathon again.
Then on Halloween we had a little get together with some friends. This is the only picture from that night. What a cute couple huh?
We had a great Halloween. I hope you all did as well. Now its off to AZ for a couple weeks.
October 31, 2010
October 18, 2010
New York
These pictures are just from a couple days. We always forgot to take pictures when we were doing something cool. We tried to do everything, even with 2 strollers, subways, and a pregnant sister. I think we almost did. Here is what we did; We went on the double Decker bus, Ground Zero, went to the Broadway, In The Heights, ate yummy food everywhere, went to the Statue of Liberty, Town Square, Little Italy, did lots of shopping, and Central park. I had a blast. Thanks Jenna for letting me hang out with you for a week. I can't wait to come back!!
These pictures are just from a couple days. We always forgot to take pictures when we were doing something cool. We tried to do everything, even with 2 strollers, subways, and a pregnant sister. I think we almost did. Here is what we did; We went on the double Decker bus, Ground Zero, went to the Broadway, In The Heights, ate yummy food everywhere, went to the Statue of Liberty, Town Square, Little Italy, did lots of shopping, and Central park. I had a blast. Thanks Jenna for letting me hang out with you for a week. I can't wait to come back!!
October 05, 2010
October 04, 2010
Happy Birthday Garrett
A Tribute:
You are the most amazing person I know. Thank you for picking me and making these past 3 1/2 years the best years ever. Thank you for being such an incredible Dad to Wes. I love your funny jokes, your constant singing, all your dance moves, your love for the gospel, how you have made me a better person, and your respect for all your family. I love everything about you!! Happy Birthday Love
A Tribute:
You are the most amazing person I know. Thank you for picking me and making these past 3 1/2 years the best years ever. Thank you for being such an incredible Dad to Wes. I love your funny jokes, your constant singing, all your dance moves, your love for the gospel, how you have made me a better person, and your respect for all your family. I love everything about you!! Happy Birthday Love
September 08, 2010
Labor Day Weekend
Labor Day weekend was very fun and very eventful. We had Garret ts parents come in town so we spent a lot time up in Heber. We tried to fit it all in. Swiss Days, BYU game, canning peaches (I know what, I can stuff) BBQ, movies, and lots of yummy food.

Right before opening game. Wes and I ended up not going to the game because it was so HOT. So we went shopping instead.

Just canning a butt load of peaches.

Playing with his new favorite toy with Grandma Fuller.

Great Grandpa and Grandma Richards

Labor Day weekend was very fun and very eventful. We had Garret ts parents come in town so we spent a lot time up in Heber. We tried to fit it all in. Swiss Days, BYU game, canning peaches (I know what, I can stuff) BBQ, movies, and lots of yummy food.
Right before opening game. Wes and I ended up not going to the game because it was so HOT. So we went shopping instead.

Just canning a butt load of peaches.
Playing with his new favorite toy with Grandma Fuller.
Great Grandpa and Grandma Richards
September 01, 2010
Worst Mom Ever
Yesterday was a rough day with Wes. He just didn't want to nap EVER. I feel bad because I don't really know what was wrong with him. He is drooling a ton so maybe he's teething. But its kinda early. SO basically I have no idea what was wrong i just try to think of something to explain it and make me feel better. I don't know if other people do that. I guess it just makes me feel like a better mom to think of cause to explain it. Anyways. On his third nap of the day he started crying again just 10 min or so into his nap. I'm like OK, this time I m going to let him cry for 15 min and then go check on him. Well, the crying continued which had been normal but I was feeling like I should go check on him. I opened his door and he had gotten under his bumper with his bead against his rod iron crib. I felt so bad. His little head was all red from rubbing against it. So, his next nap came around and I was paranoid about him doing that again. So I would check on him like every 5 min. just to make sure. Of course he rolled his way under the bumper again. BUT this time when I went in he was smiling at me. It was almost like he knew what he was doing and just wanted out of his crib. So I didn't feel so bad taking a picture of it because he was so happy he did it again. :)

That leads me into me next update about Wes. He is a roller now. He rolls everywhere. Sometimes I put him in his crib for a nap and when I go and get him out, his head is in the opposite direction. My days of just leaving him on my ottoman are coming to a fast close.

Yesterday was a rough day with Wes. He just didn't want to nap EVER. I feel bad because I don't really know what was wrong with him. He is drooling a ton so maybe he's teething. But its kinda early. SO basically I have no idea what was wrong i just try to think of something to explain it and make me feel better. I don't know if other people do that. I guess it just makes me feel like a better mom to think of cause to explain it. Anyways. On his third nap of the day he started crying again just 10 min or so into his nap. I'm like OK, this time I m going to let him cry for 15 min and then go check on him. Well, the crying continued which had been normal but I was feeling like I should go check on him. I opened his door and he had gotten under his bumper with his bead against his rod iron crib. I felt so bad. His little head was all red from rubbing against it. So, his next nap came around and I was paranoid about him doing that again. So I would check on him like every 5 min. just to make sure. Of course he rolled his way under the bumper again. BUT this time when I went in he was smiling at me. It was almost like he knew what he was doing and just wanted out of his crib. So I didn't feel so bad taking a picture of it because he was so happy he did it again. :)
That leads me into me next update about Wes. He is a roller now. He rolls everywhere. Sometimes I put him in his crib for a nap and when I go and get him out, his head is in the opposite direction. My days of just leaving him on my ottoman are coming to a fast close.
Next, he found his toes. Its so cute. He always is playing with them .
When he sleep he always puts his hands in his mouth, and turns to his left side.
Lastly, he can grab things. He understands that if he grabs something he can put it in his mouth. He loves toys now. The funny part is when he gets over a toy he already throws it. It doesn't go to far yet but when he is done with it, he is done.
My New Obsession...
This is my everyday snack. You can get these at Costco. They are so good and taste really sweet. This is my go to when I have a sweet tooth which, in my day is about every hour or so. :)

These next item I eat for breakfast. I love it because it keeps me full. Its just my version of a fruit parfait. Its yummy yummy. April gave me the idea in Hawaii and I just used stuff I had around my house.

This is my everyday snack. You can get these at Costco. They are so good and taste really sweet. This is my go to when I have a sweet tooth which, in my day is about every hour or so. :)

These next item I eat for breakfast. I love it because it keeps me full. Its just my version of a fruit parfait. Its yummy yummy. April gave me the idea in Hawaii and I just used stuff I had around my house.

August 26, 2010
We had the best trip to Maui. We stayed in Lahaina. It was beautiful. Everyday we would find a different beach to go to and snorkel at. We were on a quest to find waves to buggy board on or to surf but couldn't really find any. I guess it is the off season. I loved this because we really got to see a lot of Hawaii.

Kaanapali Beach

Black Rock beach. We look good being parents of twins. BUT I'm grateful that were not.

We swam with these guys everyday.

I found this funny because everyone was just swimming around at this beach.

We loved our daily snow cone fix. We couldn't get enough of them especially with the ice cream at the bottom.

This was at our resort beach. The babies did so good and just chilled on the beach with us.

Devin and Garrett getting their snorkel on.

Garrett really didn't want to burn. :)

One night we went to a Luau. It was really cool to see. Gavin and I trying to do the hula.

April and I got these bottomless Pina Coladas. They were delicious.

Here is the BIG beach. So, we meant some locals at a taco stand one day and they told us to go see Big Beach and Little beach. These beaches were located on the other side of the Island in Wailea. So of course we went and come to find out the big beach was pretty sweet. It actually had big waves, but they broke to close to shore to really do anything with them. BUT the small beach is and "ADULT" beach. I wonder if those locals were sending us their on purpose. :)

This is where all our morning feedings took place.

Heading back home to reality.

Wes is so happy being in the car and getting all his sleep in.

The climax, Hana. 6th most famous beach in the US.

Best friends in the making. Their Dads have been best friends since Kindergarten. Lets see if Drew and Wes can top that; Both 3 months old.

We had the best trip to Maui. We stayed in Lahaina. It was beautiful. Everyday we would find a different beach to go to and snorkel at. We were on a quest to find waves to buggy board on or to surf but couldn't really find any. I guess it is the off season. I loved this because we really got to see a lot of Hawaii.
Thank you Devin and April for inviting us to go with you. We had sucha blast!!! You have such sweet little boys. Gavin (aka my little buddy who never left my side) I miss you already, and Drew,can't wait for you and Wes to meet up and to play together soon.
Kaanapali Beach
Black Rock beach. We look good being parents of twins. BUT I'm grateful that were not.
We swam with these guys everyday.
I found this funny because everyone was just swimming around at this beach.
We loved our daily snow cone fix. We couldn't get enough of them especially with the ice cream at the bottom.
This was at our resort beach. The babies did so good and just chilled on the beach with us.
Devin and Garrett getting their snorkel on.
Garrett really didn't want to burn. :)
One night we went to a Luau. It was really cool to see. Gavin and I trying to do the hula.
April and I got these bottomless Pina Coladas. They were delicious.
Here is the BIG beach. So, we meant some locals at a taco stand one day and they told us to go see Big Beach and Little beach. These beaches were located on the other side of the Island in Wailea. So of course we went and come to find out the big beach was pretty sweet. It actually had big waves, but they broke to close to shore to really do anything with them. BUT the small beach is and "ADULT" beach. I wonder if those locals were sending us their on purpose. :)
This is where all our morning feedings took place.
Heading back home to reality.
Road To Hana
Garrett and I did this towards the end of our trip. We kept getting mixed reviews on whether to go or not to go. We decided to go because we needed a break from the sun, and Wes could actually take naps. Cars always put our little guy to sleep. So we ventured out at 6 am to start our road trip around the Island. It was amazing.
Garrett and I did this towards the end of our trip. We kept getting mixed reviews on whether to go or not to go. We decided to go because we needed a break from the sun, and Wes could actually take naps. Cars always put our little guy to sleep. So we ventured out at 6 am to start our road trip around the Island. It was amazing.
Bought some famous Banana Bread.
Nua'alua Bay.
Wes is so happy being in the car and getting all his sleep in.
The climax, Hana. 6th most famous beach in the US.
So after we reached Hana, most people turn around and head back. We didn't know this small detail and kept going on the loop around the Island. Can I just say not all parts of Hawaii are pretty. We entered their desert terrain and saw wild goats, pigs and drove on the worst road possible. It sucked.
Now that I have done the ENTIRE road to Hana, I definitely recommend doing it but turning around at Hana and go back the way you came. :)
Seattle Washington
About 2 weeks ago Garrett, Wes and myself left for our last vacation of the summer. We were off to Maui. We first flew into Seattle to pick up The Jolley family. We had a day to kill in Seattle so we went sight seeing.

Garrett was so nice and let Wes and I have his upgrade. I got some nasty looks at first from the other 1st class goers, but once they saw how amazing Wes was they all warmed up to us and started helping out.
About 2 weeks ago Garrett, Wes and myself left for our last vacation of the summer. We were off to Maui. We first flew into Seattle to pick up The Jolley family. We had a day to kill in Seattle so we went sight seeing.
Garrett was so nice and let Wes and I have his upgrade. I got some nasty looks at first from the other 1st class goers, but once they saw how amazing Wes was they all warmed up to us and started helping out.
Best friends in the making. Their Dads have been best friends since Kindergarten. Lets see if Drew and Wes can top that; Both 3 months old.
Seattle has flowers everywhere. These bouquets were only $5.
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