So every 2 years the entire Randall Family get together for a reunion. This year the location was in Saratoga Springs, Utah. It was nice for us because it was about a 10 min. drive to get there. We did a lot of fun things, and just had fun spending time with one another and catching up. Here are some of the highlights...

We started by doing a little sight seeing. We went to "This is the place Monument." It was a beautiful view of the Salt Lake City Valley and the Great Salt Lake.

Garrett was so sick of pics. by this point, this is the only pose he would do.

There is so much history with our church here in Utah. I feel bad that I haven't taken advantage of it and have learned more. I am grateful for the pioneers and for their huge sacrifice they made. (There is my 2 cents about pioneers for the night)

Izzy and Marissa always were posing so I could take their picture. Isn't Izzy such a little Julie.

Oh, Lucy in Box. At least she is so happy in that box.

My Aunt Julie and her whole family were there. I haven't seen her for like 6 years. It was fun seeing her and getting to know all her kids.

Grandpa Randall with Clara.