Garrett and I have been really getting into the food network this summer. I watch that and Natgeo all the time. Anyways we have become a huge fan of this reality show. This guy whose name happens to be Guy Fieri, travels all around and finds these hole in the wall restaurants and does an entire segment on them to show why they are so good. Some of these places look amazing but, located in the most random places. We searched and found the places in Utah where he has been. Going out to dinner is so fun, but going out to dinner with a purpose and see how truly amazing it could be is even more fun. Its always fun to try new things. Here is the list for all the people in Utah:
1. Lone Star Taqueria: Holladay
2. Moochie Meatballs: Salt Lake
3. Pats BBQ: Salt Lake
4. Ruth's Diner: Salt Lake
There isn't a ton in Utah but that's enough to keep us busy for awhile.
So, our first place we went to was Lone Star. Their fish tacos were amazing. The restaurant atmosphere was so fun. People were drinking out of shoes well actually boots. The salsa, homemade chips, and guacamole were so good too. I highly recommend this place and I know I will be going back real soon.

If anyone knows any other restaurants that I need to try out here in Utah just let me know. Also, I found this website that has a list of all the places he has been. Click Here to go to it.
what a great idea. i am sooo bad at trying new restaurants. maybe i will let you always be the tester - and then i will decide from there. :)
So funny, me and Hudson are addicted to the Food Network too! We love Unwrapped and Man v. Food. And I am always on Hudson about how he only watches the National Geographic and History channels. At least he is learning something from watching tv, right?
We love that show too and have tried many places where we have been each summer selling and now living in CA have tried some new ones too! I think it's so much fun...enjoy all of your yummy food stops. Oh and Ruth's diner is sooo good for breakfast!
How fun Kristen! I need to do this too! New York will have tons!
Em's - pricey but amazing view and food (avenues).
Eva's - tapas downtown. eat on the patio under the lights and be sure to try the tri-tip bruchetta - DELISH.
Liberty Heights Fresh - it's a market. but the Heights classic sandwich is to die for - brie, turkey, avocado, roasted tomatoes on a fresh baguette... i think my mouth is watering.
Cotton Bottom - definitely a DIVE, but the garlic burger is insane.
Brad and I love this show too! Remember going to Ruth's diner with the Randall's during the reunion? I can't remember if you had met up with us yet, but we were all talking about how it was on that show. Have fun eating out, wish we were there to try them with you.
This is so funny... Kent and I also love this show and have sought out a few of Guy's recommended Utah dives:) Lone Star, and Ruth's Diner. Ruth's biscuits are a.m.a.z.i.n.g. Maybe we'll have to tag along when you guys go!
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